be your true self, Karyn Shanks, Karyn Shanks MD, Heal, Nine Domains of Healing

It’s a Privilege of a Lifetime

Do you ever wonder why we’re here? I mean really—why we’re really here?

How do we sum that up? Can we do it in just a few words?

I think Carl Jung did a pretty good job when he said this:

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are.”

I like this because it doesn’t presume a particular purpose with a definable outcome. (Whew!)

And it includes all of us—excluding no one because of belief system or cultural background. No matter how weird or forgotten or ill-fitting we feel, we’re part of the grand design.

It suggests we’re all travelers on this path of life and we unfold as we go. We ripen. We shed the layers of unwanted bullshit that cover us up. We emerge into who we truly are.

Think about it. This is some scary shit. And hard. Like diving off the precipice and freefalling into the wild beyond. There are no maps or instruction manuals for becoming ourselves.

My take on this?

Jung hit it dead on. Who you are is exactly what the world needs. Your whole, true, authentic self. Your light. Your truth. Your voice. Your art. Your words. Your raucous laughter. Your love. You. The real you.

Let’s swear to be companions as we become who we really are. My light will find you. Your light will find me. Our light will illuminate the miraculous path we’re on.


Have a Beautiful day!


p.s. Becoming our true selves means we’ve got to make room. By clearing out the toxins, irritants, and negative energy that get in our way. More in my e-book, Let Go.

p.p.s. Looking for companions on the path to authenticity? Join us at Grit and Grace, my private Facebook community for seekers of vibrant health through self-care, where we share our stories, struggles, and genius solutions.

p.p.p.s. From my Archives:

Resuscitate the Fire in Your Belly. 2019.

Karyn Shanks MD


Karyn Shanks, MD, is a physician who lives and practices in Madison, WI. Her work is inspired by the revolutionary science of Functional Medicine, body-mind wisdom, and the transformational journeys of thousands of clients over her twenty-eight year career. She believes that the bones of healing are in what we do for ourselves.

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