Karyn Shanks MD

clear clutter, focused mind, peaceful mind, reduce anxiety, self-empowerment, self-healing, self-care

Clutter makes me absolutely crazy.

My kids tell me I have OCD. The way I am constantly picking things up, sometimes losing their precious stuff (so why didn’t they just put it away themselves!?).

I find that my organizational frenzies calm my mind. The more clutter in my brain, the more peace I feel when I create harmony in my environment. Sure, it’s my sense of harmony, but that’s what…

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adrenal support, adrenal recovery, energy recovery, functional medicine, help for adrenals,

Fatigue and overwhelm–I know them well! From the depths of full blown adrenal melt-down (any other type A’s out there?) to the tired and overwhelm of an extra busy week. We’ve all been there. It’s not at all unusual to feel run down from our busy lives, the crazy world we live in, and the high energy atmosphere of springtime!

The adrenals–these are the seat of our life force energy–and…

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energy, vitality, create vital energy, functional medicine, energy healing, self-care, self-healing, nutritional healing

Vital energy is our BIG energy–the physical energy that makes us feel awake, alert, and alive, as well as the life force energy that makes us feel connected, creative, and inspired. Because we’re integrated beings–body, mind, spirit–it’s really all one and needs to be nourished for a full and exhilarating life.

For the vast majority of us, our low energy states have simple solutions that yield…

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nutrition, nutrition testing, nutritional supplements, vitamins, healthy supplements, best supplements, functional medicine

We all know that excellent nutrition is foundational to our energy, strength, and wellbeing, and it begins with eating healthy food suited to our unique needs. High quality nutritional supplements can support what we do with food and solve urgent problems that we can’t correct with food alone. Food and nutritional supplements are powerful medicine–helping us make needed corrections in our…

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brain power, mind power, walk, yoga, move, neuroplasticity

I’ll give you a hint: it’s about letting go.

What? But, wait, doesn’t mind power require focused genius and amazing effort? You mean we can stop pushing, caffeinating, and ripping through life?

Here are some powerful, and perhaps unexpected, ways to become smarter, clearer, more creative and innovative, and–who knows?–more successful and happy while we’re at it. Science of the mind is showing…

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Our efforts at self-care can make us freaks! There may be a sea change of healthy lifestyle enthusiasm out there but our worlds are still filled with people who aren’t there yet. How do we manage the awkward silences or overt criticism that can come from the people in our lives–including trusted family and friends–when we tell them about our meditation practices, healthy eating, or militant…

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care, hope, heal, healing, love, heal yourself, heal ourselves,

We Care. We Hope. We Heal. A Manifesto to a Healing Life.

We Care.

First, we care for ourselves, with great reverence. We believe in our higher selves and embrace our soul’s vast potential through care of our whole selves: body, mind, and spirit. We become strong. We become whole.

Then we care for others: our families, our communities, and our world. We reach out from our strength and wholeness…

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simplify, just drive, destress, unstress, multi-tasking, texting and driving, driving and cell phone use, distraction, focus, mindfulness, be present, reduces stress,

The Overwhelm of our High Tech World

We’re obsessed with our modern technological world. And what’s not to love? I mean, what did we do before Google and Amazon? Or cell phones, texting, and desktop publishing? These are incredible tools that I LOVE, that bring me knowledge, convenience, and joyful expansion of what is possible. But there’s another dimension of our tech-y world that I…

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be the light, self-care, self-empowerment, save the world, activism, mindfulness, peace

Making this world a better place starts with each of us–with how we care for ourselves.

Many of us feel the immediacy of the need to save our world and our planet. We want to be part of the change, of the resistance, of the solutions that are most needed right now.

And yet, it can feel overwhelming. Where do we start? What will pack the greatest punch? How can each of us, individually, best…

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optimism, failure, how to overcome failure, try again, succeed, success, self-care, self-empowerment

Once we’ve failed at a resolution or a goal–how do we re-engage and start again? We’ve all felt the weight of this experience–the frustration and the shame of it. How do we rise up, dust ourselves off, and dare to try again?

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over…

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spring detox, energy, vitality, invigorate, renew, spring renewal, cleanse

Spring Detox: throw off the winter sloth and heaviness–harness the emerging energy of spring to cleanse and invigorate!

Everyone knows what toxicity feels like. It’s the sickening headache that comes on when we’ve inadvertently sniffed diesel fuel out on the road or tarmac, or walked past one of those bath and body stores that spew out objectionable unnatural scents. It’s the awful…

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strong bodies, strong emotions, intuition, creativity, self-healing, self-empowerment

Is there something in your life that needs to change? To heal? Your body is probably telling you about it right now. We can learn to decipher our body’s wisdom.

I’ve ignored my body’s wisdom–the persistently aching shoulder reminding me to hug into myself (rather than extending out to others all the time), the gnawing discomfort in my gut telling me about that toxic person who needed a boot…

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deprivation, grief, letting go, setting intention, using affirmation, self-care, mindfulness, creating change, lifestyle change, the still quiet voice

Making lifestyle changes–like how we eat or sleep–can seem daunting. But it’s doable when we get organized around it…and learn to deal with deprivation.

Facing Our Nemesis: Deprivation

What do we do with the deep feelings of attachment we experience about the habits we love–the food, staying up late, the extra glass of wine–and the grief and and loss that hits us when we try to create…

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four steps to change, steps to healing, self-care, self-healing, self-empowerment, functional medicine

…and your healing. (All healing requires change.)

Getting started is the hardest–and the simplest–part.

Four simple (I didn’t say easy) steps to get you rocking and rolling:

  1. Make. the. Decision. Make the decision to change and heal. Say it, write it, tell someone. Your intentions are powerful medicine.
  2. Take an action. Just one–any–simple action. An action that leads to something. Or an action…

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pain recovery, chronic pain, healing, karyn shanks md, functional medicine, heal pain, back pain,

Your Seven-Part Whole-Self Roadmap to Healing Chronic Pain

You can heal chronic pain—yes, you will heal. All you need is a team of smart professionals who love and support you, and a strategy that considers the many dimensions of who you are—of your body, mind, and spirit.

Pain is a mysterious, difficult, soul-sapping experience that requires urgent consideration and resolution. It is the…

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The Heart of Healing: Reclaim Your Energy and Vitality Through Self-Care

I recently asked my new client, Ruth, what her goals were in working with me. She said, “I just want to be…myself…again.” She blurted it out and seemed surprised with what she had said. But there it was, the essence of her greatest loss, what chronic illness had taken from her. Years of illness had “destroyed”…

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insomnia, sleep, sleep medicine, functional medicine, the power of sleep, fatigue, tired, self-care

Insomnia sufferers, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. What are the reasons for not sleeping well? And what’s actually happening when we don’t sleep? We all know it feels bad, but why is it bad and how does it lead to illness? As you can deduce from the previous discussion about what sleep does, lack of sleep has a profound effect on regulation of key aspects of our internal biology, as well…

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